



ImageJ-macros: BioImage Information Index (2 comments)

Added by Volker Baecker over 10 years ago

The BioImage Information Index lists software packages, plate-forms, sample data and workflows for biological image analysis. It helps image analysts and biologists to find the right tools to solve a given image analysis problem. I participated in the taggathon that is part of the EuBIAS 2015. The aim of the taggathon was to kick-start the index by adding a large number of workflows. About 150 workflows have been added including a number of MRI's "Biological Image Analysis Toolsets".
You can access the BioImage Information Index here:

ImageJ-macros: Ovocyte Tool

Added by Admin MRI almost 12 years ago

The tool acquires images from the live window of the camera and measures the surface of the ovocyte in the image in a configurable time interval.
See Ovocyte Tool for more information.

ImageJ-macros: Publication using the "Arabidopsis Seedlings Tool"

Added by Volker Baecker about 12 years ago

The Arabidopsis Seedlings Tool allows to measure the surface of green pixels per well in images containing multiple wells. It can be run in batch mode on a series of images. It writes a spreadsheet file with the measured area per well and saves a control image showing the green surface that has been detected per well.

This tool has been used for the system described in the publication:

Macherel D, Abdelilah BENAMAR, Pierart A, Baecker V, Avelange-Macherel M-H, Rolland A, Gaudichon S, Di Gioia L.
Simple system using natural mineral water for high-throughput phenotyping of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings in liquid culture.
International Journal of High Throughput Screening 2013 Feb;1.

imagej workshop: Updated the manuscript

Added by Volker Baecker about 13 years ago

The manuscript has been updated to correspond to the latest version of ImageJ. In the same time the form has been improved concerning the chapter headings and the illustrations.
The MRI Cell Image Analyzer (MRI-CIA) has been removed from the workshop. Due to improvements in ImageJ it is not needed for the workshop anymore.


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