


MRI ImageJ-macros

ImageJ Macro Tool Sets for Biological Image Analysis

The paper published in the Proceedings of the ImageJ User and Developer Conference 2012 and the presentation held at the conference.

The poster presented at the MiFoBio 2014 and the BioCampus Montpellier meeting 2014.

The poster presented at the BioCampus Montpellier meeting 2017.

The content of this wiki is moving to github. You can also download a pdf-snapshot of the github-wiki here or visit the website.

ImageJ Macro Programming for Biological Image Analysis

The workshop ImageJ Macro Programming for Biological Image Analysis aims at first teaching the basics concepts of programming to biologists using the ImageJ macro language. It then shows how to apply the acquired skills to create batch and interactive image analysis solutions.
The workshop has been presented at the MiFoBio 2014. It has been held at Montpellier RIO Imaging the 27.10-29.10 2014. There will be one session per year.