


Part 1 - Programming Basics

You can install part 1 of the workshop as a macro toolset, that makes the exercises and answers available from within FIJI. Drag the link MRI Macro Workshop-part 1 (programming basics).ijm onto the ImageJ launcher and save the toolset in the folder macros/toolsets. After restarting FIJI the toolset will become available from the ">>"-button at the right of the launcher window.

After you selected an exercise or answer from the toolset, an empty page in the macro editor will be opened and the exercise or answer will be downloaded and copied into the clipboard. Use the paste command of the editor to insert the exercise or answer into the macro editor. You can use the ctrl+v keyboard shortcut to run the paste command.

You can find the same exercises in the list below.

  1. Getting Started
    1. Hello world 1 / answer
    2. Hello world 2 / answer
    3. Hello world 3 / answer
    4. Macro recorder / answer
  2. Numbers
    1. Literals and special values
    2. Calculations / answer
    3. Comparing floats / answer
  3. Strings
    1. Concatenation 1 / answer
    2. Concatenation 2 / answer
    3. Regular Expressions / answer
  4. Booleans
    1. Boolean conditions (GoL) / answer
  5. Variables
    1. Assignment / answer
    2. Copy by value / answer
    3. Pre- and Postincrement / answer
  6. Arrays
    1. Arrays / answer
    2. Copy by reference / answer
  7. Conditionals
    1. Conditionals 1 - even/odd / answer
    2. Conditionals 2 - max / answer
  8. For-Loop
    1. For loop 1 - iteration / answer
    2. For loop 2 - iteration and arrays / answer
    3. For loop 3 - iteration and images / answer
    4. For loop 4 - iteration and animation / answer
  9. While-Loop
    1. While loop 1 - Newton's method / answer
    2. While loop 2 - random walk / answer
  10. Do-While-Loop
    1. Do while loop / answer
  11. Functions
    1. functions - facrorial / answer
    2. functions - turtle graphics / answer
    3. functions - recursive functions / answer
    4. functions - recursive curves / answer
  12. Macros
    1. macros as plugins
    2. macro sets / answer