


Installing sources

This guide has been tested on Eclipse Galileo and Glassfish v2.1.1

Preparing Eclipse

- install Eclipse for J2EE developer
- install glassfish server on your system
- In Eclipse go to Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime environments
- Select Add...
- click on "Download additional server adapter"
- choose Glassfish Java EE5 , Java EE6
- Then Add Glassfish to your runtime environments
- Set the JDK runtime environment in Window > Preferences > Installed JRE

Install the svn plugin

Choose Help > Install new software
Click on Add
then type :
Name: subclipse
Location :
Click Ok

Add subversion repository

In eclipse choose Window > Open perspective > Other
Then choose SVN Repository exploring

Click on add SVN repository
Type :

Do again with:

Checkout the MRI library projects

In the SVN repository perspective, open the repository
until trunk/ folder.
Then select all projects, right click > checkout
In the dialog choose "Check out into workspace as projects"
check "Check out HEAD revision" then click "Finish".

The mri-base-project is a EAR which need the single_authentication EJB, You will have
at this moment a static error in eclipse.

Checkout the cicero projects

In the SVN repository perspective, open the repository
up to trunk/ folder.
Then checkout all the projects.

Change the library dependency to your glassfish version.
Right-click on the GlassfishLink project > properties
Select the "Java build path tab" then the "Libraries" tab.
Remove the dependency to Glassfish v2.1 then click "add Library",
choose Server Runtime then your Glassfish installation.

Then click on the "Order and export" tab and click the checkbox of the glassfish library.

It will be peharps necesssary to clean the projects by using the
Project > Clean...

If you prefer, you can use the library on your glassfih installation, you will need to specifiy your own "Java build path"
properties for each project.

Creating a password file

The ant setup script use a password file to make server configuration operations. You have to
create a passwordfile file and fill it with the administrator password