




Apply Clear

  • FISH-quant

    The goal of this project is the migration of the FISH-quant software from MATLAB to python.
    FISH-quant is a program written in Matlab for analyzing single molecule mRNA FISH data. It allows counting the number of mature and nascent transcripts in 3D images. ...

  • Image Analysis with MATLAB

    Matlab scripts for doing image analysis written at the MRI facility

  • imagej workshop

    MRI offers a workshop "Image analysis with ImageJ". This projects serves to develop the workshop and to make the different documents available.

  • ImageJ-macros

    ImageJ macros for biological image analysis

  • MRI Cell Image Analyzer

    ”Cell Image Analyzer” adds a visual scripting interface to ImageJ’s capabilities, which allows creating applications from
    existing operations by drag and drop. It provides support to create batch applications as well as interactive
    applications. ”Cell Image Analyzer” is used at the microscopy facility Montpellier RIO Imaging to create custom...

  • Auto logoff

    Application permettant de faire un logoff windows dans un temps défini par l'utilisateur

  • MRI Outils

    Portail d'inscription et gestion des utilisateurs

  • Quality Management

    Different small projects that support the quality management at MRI.
    - global login
    - dysfunction warning
    - autonomy system
    - efficiency data in glpi

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