/** * MRI Crop 4D Cells * * Allows to select cells in 4D images that will be loaded as virtual stack using loci-bioformats. * An output folder that can be a samba share can be specified. The cropped images of the * cells are written to the output folder in batch mode. * * written 2012 by Volker Baecker (INSERM) at Montpellier RIO Imaging (www.mri.cnrs.fr) */ var helpURL = "http://dev.mri.cnrs.fr/wiki/imagej-macros/Crop_4D_Cells"; var DIRECTORY = ""; var FILES = newArray(0); var currentFile = 0; var LOG_OFF_COMMAND = "shutdown /l /f"; var LOG_OFF = false; macro "Crop 4D Cells Help [f1]" { showHelp(); } macro "First Image [f2]" { firstImageAction(); } macro "Previous Image [f3]" { previousImageAction(); } macro "Next Image [f4]" { nextImageAction(); } macro "Last Image [f5]" { lastImageAction(); } macro "Reload Image [f6]" { reloadImageAction(); } macro "Add Selection [f7]" { addSelection(); } macro "Export Cells [f8]" { exportCellsAction(); } macro "Export 4D Cells Options [f9]" { showIOSettings(); } macro "Crop 4D Cells Help (f1) Action Tool - C000T4b12?"{ showHelp(); } macro "First Image (f2) Action Tool - C037T5d13|T9d13" { nextImageAction(); } macro "Last Image (f5) Action Tool - C037T1d13>T9d13|C555" { lastImageAction(); } macro "Last Image (f5) Action Tool Options" { showIOSettings(); } macro "Reload Image (f6) Action Tool - C037T4b12§" { reloadImageAction(); } macro "Reload Image (f6) Action Tool Options" { showIOSettings(); } macro "Add Selection (f7) Action Tool - C037T4b12A" { addSelection(); } macro "Add Selection (f7) Action Tool Options" { showIOSettings(); } macro "Export Cells (f8) Action Tool - C037T4b12E" { exportCellsAction(); } macro "Export Cells (f8) Action Tool Options" { showLogOffDialog(); } macro "Logoff Options [f10]" { showLogOffDialog(); } function showIOSettings() { call("fr.cnrs.mri.macro.io.IOSettings.show"); } function getFiles() { list = call("fr.cnrs.mri.macro.io.IOSettings.getFileList"); if (list=="none") { FILES=newArray(0); return; } FILES = split(list, ","); } function loadCurrentImage() { if (nImages>0) close(); file = FILES[currentFile]; run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=["+file+"] color_mode=Composite view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT use_virtual_stack"); enhanceDisplay(); loadRois(file); } function enhanceDisplay() { Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames) for (i=1; i<=channels; i++) { Stack.setChannel(i); run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35"); } Stack.setChannel(1); } function showImageStatus() { showStatus("Image " + (currentFile+1) + " of " + FILES.length); } function loadRois(file) { roiFile = file + ".zip"; roiManager("Reset"); if (File.exists(roiFile)) { roiManager("Open", roiFile); roiManager("Show None"); roiManager("Show All"); } } function addSelection() { run("Add to Manager"); roiManager("Remove Slice Info"); if (roiManager("count")>0) roiManager("Save", FILES[currentFile]+".zip"); } function showHelp() { run('URL...', 'url='+helpURL); } function firstImageAction() { getFiles(); if (FILES.length>0) { if (currentFile!=0) { currentFile = 0; loadCurrentImage(); } } showImageStatus(); } function previousImageAction() { getFiles(); if (FILES.length>0) { if (currentFile!=0) { if (currentFile>0) currentFile--; else currentFile=0; loadCurrentImage(); } } showImageStatus(); } function nextImageAction() { getFiles(); if (FILES.length>0) { if (currentFile!=FILES.length-1) { if (currentFile0) { if (currentFile!=FILES.length-1) { currentFile = FILES.length-1; loadCurrentImage(); } } showImageStatus(); } function reloadImageAction() { getFiles(); if (FILES.length>0) { if (currentFile<0 || currentFile>=FILES.length) currentFile = 0; loadCurrentImage(); } showImageStatus(); } function exportCellsAction() { outputFolder = call("fr.cnrs.mri.macro.io.IOSettings.getOutputFolder"); if (outputFolder=="none") { Dialog.create("WARNING"); Dialog.addMessage("Please select an output folder in the IO Settings"); Dialog.show(); showIOSettings(); return; } getFiles(); print("\\Clear"); setBatchMode(true); getDateAndTime(year, month, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, msec); print(dayOfMonth + "-" + (month+1) + "-" + year + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + "." + msec); for (i=0; i1) channelsString = "channels=1-" + channels; if (slices>1) slicesString = "slices=1-" + slices; if (frames>1) framesString = "frames=1-" + frames; imageTitle = File.nameWithoutExtension; print(FILES[i]); for (r=0; r< numberOfRois; r++) { print("\\Update2:Processing cell " + (r+1) +" of "+ numberOfRois); title = imageTitle + "-cell-" + (r+1) + "a"; print(title); roiManager("Select", r); run("Duplicate...", "title=" + title + " duplicate " + channelsString + " " + slicesString + " " + framesString); run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=[" + outputFolder + "/" + title + ".ics]"); close(); } } if (nImages>0) close(); print("FINISHED"); getDateAndTime(year, month, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, msec); print(dayOfMonth + "-" + (month+1) + "-" + year + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + "." + msec); setBatchMode("exit and display"); if (LOG_OFF) exec(LOG_OFF_COMMAND); } function showLogOffDialog() { Dialog.create("Export Cells Options"); Dialog.addCheckbox("log off after processing", LOG_OFF); Dialog.show(); LOG_OFF = Dialog.getCheckbox(); }